Create FTP/SFTP Connection
Connection Properties
Name | Mandatory | Description |
Connection Name | Yes | Name of the connection |
Description | No | Description of connection |
Directory | Yes | The directory where the files/objects are stored |
FTP/SFTP (Protocol Type) | Yes | Indicate whether FTP or SFTP |
Username | Yes | Username used for authentication |
Password | Yes | Password used for Authentication |
Host | Yes | The FTP / SFTP host |
Port | Yes | Indicates the port to be used for the connection |
Steps to create connection:
There are two ways to create connection -
Choose the FTP connector from Pipeline tab > Add Connection.
Pipeline tabYou can also add the connection via Connections tab>Add Connection.
Fill in the required details.
Click on the Test connection button to confirm.
Click Create connection.
Reading Objects
FTP Host
For excel objects indicate and choose the sheet name from the drop down
For date string handling See Date and DateTime String Handling in EazyDI