Standard Authentication for AWS RDS PostgreSQL

Standard Authentication for AWS RDS PostgreSQL


  1. Log in to your AWS account console.

  2. On the search bar type RDS and select the RDS service


  1. Once you are in the RDS service page, Click on Databases tab on the side bar to see all your databases. 


  1. Select your RDS PostgreSQL database


  1. To Connect your Database to EazyDi app using the STANDARD authentication, you will need:

  • Host

  • Port

  • Username

  • Database name

  • Password


  1. Once you have clicked your RDS PostgreSQL database, You will see the “ENDPOINT” which will be your HOST. And the PORT number


  2. To Get your USERNAME and DATABASE NAME, go to the “CONFIGURATION” Tab and there you will see your DBNAME and MASTER USERNAME which you will use as your USERNAME and DATABASE NAME


  3. Once you have all your credentials, you can now connect your database to EazyDi app. Create a connection. Select the AWS RDS PostgreSQL connector


  1. Input all the required connection properties that you got from Step 6 and 7. The Host, Port, DBNAME, Master Username. The password is the one you set when creating your database. *Note that you will input the DBNAME in the “Database” field




  1. Once you have created a connection, you can now select a table from the list of connection objects




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