How to find Firebase credentials
How can I find the credentials for my firebase database
EazyDI Currently supports service account credentials when creating connections to firebase, even when read and write is set to false it will be allowed to read and write as source or target
The database url can be found when accessing the Real time Database page
Your project id can be found in Project Settings > General
Steps on how to create a service account
Navigate to Project Settings > Service Accounts
Click Generate new Private Key, A prompt will appear and click Generate Key
The service account credentials will be downloaded, make sure to secure them Copy the values for each fields excluding the first and last quotation marks “
Copy the values to your EazyDI connection
NOTE: Since Firebase is a nosql database which collections do not have strict type, fields are read by EazyDI depending on sample size of data in collection. Columns can also be lists, nested objects, similar to json, you can use the necessary mapping functions to cast columns to match target columns.